Did you know that your skincare products’ impact is far greater than just skin-deep? Being ethical in your choice of skincare products can have a major positive impact towards protecting the planet, those we share it with and our own health.
So, what is the distinction between the beauty buzzwords ‘cruelty-free’ and ‘vegan’?
Vegan skincare products are generally made from natural or organic ingredients but don’t contain animal ingredients or by-products. That means no honey, beeswax, lanolin, fish collagen, carmine, cholesterol, gelatin, squalene and stearic acid.
The Oolala Collection is backed by Beauty Without Cruelty and VeganSA. This means all 45 distinct products across nine categories are completely 100% animal-friendly. If you’re thinking we’ve replaced effectiveness with ethics, you’ll be excited to know our range is the leader in cutting-edge luxury and healthy skincare.
The ingredients in our skincare range speak for themselves. Extensive research has clearly shown us why using cruelty-free and vegan skincare is a healthy alternative to regular products. Although prohibitive many mainstream skincare brands continue to use highly toxic and carcinogenic chemicals such as parabens, formaldehyde and triclosan. Since your skin can only do so much to protect you, these chemicals are transferable to your body’s lymphatic system, putting you at risk of cancer and endocrine disorders.
We offer innovative products that are gentle on the skin, non-toxic to the body and that incorporates the latest, cutting-edge peptide technologies for skin remodelling and anti-aging improvement. The products incorporate high concentrations of peptides and active ingredients that exceed, the efficiency of all other advanced skincare lines on the market. Safe and healthy products are the focus of the Oolala Collection Skincare line.
Don’t just be a pretty face.
Join The Oolala Collection community that stands for Beauty with Brains and a Heart.
To find out more about Daniella Shapiro and The Oolala Collection Club click here: www.oolalacollection.com
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