20150830_163005This weekend was really busy. I scored an invite to the Discovery Vitality Party to launch the new dance class at Virgin Active and also did a 2 hour stint at the Getaway Show.

Discovery Vitality Party

Saturday morning Miss B and I hit the road to Virgin Active in Strathavon, Johannesburg, to attend the Discovery Vitality “Party”. The hour spent at the new dance class might have been one of the classes that I burnt through the most energy ever, but it was so much fun and the instructor was great. The only problem is that the Virgin Active that I attend, Lonehill, doesn’t yet have the class…

The class consisted of high intensity dance moves led by an instructor that promise to burn up to 400 calories per session. If you want to try it out, check the Virgin Active timetables for your club.

Getaway Show 2015

I never really go to holiday expos as a rule, but since my mom is visiting she wanted to check out some camping gear – old school style.

I got some info for Lesotho and the Western Cape. Hubby and I are off to Cape Town for Vday weekend next year and I really want to take him skiing next winter…and since the Rand is so pathetic, Europe may be out of reach for the foreseeable future.

One thing happened that really had me seeing red. As we queued to get in a guy lit up his cigarette and I snapped. In no uncertain terms I told him to put it out as it was unlawful to smoke at the entrance to any building. The guy even tried to argue! I had to repeat my request a few times and finally when he stormed off some of the people in our immediate vicinity thanked me.

Here is a request for TicketPro Dome – please put up NO SMOKING signage! Where are the designated smoking areas anyway?



Susann is a travel, parenting, beauty and lifestyle blogger in Johannesburg, South Africa.

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