It is no secret that I work in Sandton and in Sandton it is all about the flash and the cash. You rarely see smiley, friendly people that strike up conversations with strangers. Today however, was somewhat different…
Finally I walked out of the office and stopped by Breadbasket for a little snack for us with dinner – which I never do. Then I went to the elevator that I never use and waited. I got in and pressed in the corner was this short girl. We rode the elevator one floor down in silence and then, as she started walking out, I said, “your make-up really looks nice”. Shyly she smiled and said thank you.
Then a mother and son entered the elevator. I guess I was still smiling because the lady piped up with a happy greeting. We exchanged pleasantries 1 floor down.
It is Sandton, these things (almost) never happen. I think it must be the summer weather we are experiencing that brings out smiles in the wintery hearts of Joburgers.
Next time you are stuck in an elevator with a stranger, pay them a compliment and let me know what the response was.