
Roadmap to a Happier Me Challenge: Week 1 Good Karma

Are you ready to take on this challenge? Jump into week 1 and bank some good karma.
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I’m excited for me, I have a plan to become that girl again with the butterflies in her hair that knows how to squeeze every last drop from every day with no regrets. The best part, I’m not going to pay some person to tell me how to get there – and you can join in on your own time.

Before we start, have you written down your goals? If you have, congratulations! Now that you have identified your goals, which steps are you going to take to reach your goals?

Let’s kick off Week 1’s challenge and bank some good karma.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

What can you do to bank good karma?

  • Pay many someones a compliment
  • Write your favourite quote on a note and leave it in a book or on a shelf in a shop somewhere
  • Give to someone less fortunate or donate to an animal shelter

These are easy to-do things, but trust me when you see someone smile and you know you did something for someone else… it all adds up to how you see and feel about yourself. That is soul sorted for the week.

For your body

  • Get your body moving this week by putting on your flip-flops or sneakers and going for a 10 minute (or more) walk 3 days this week
  • Rummage through your beauty stash and spoil your face with a mask or serum – or even just with a great soap, tone and moisture session

For your mind

  • Buy a course on Udemy, Daddy’s Deals or Hyperli – or find a DIY book/online resource. Just get something that will let you learn something new.

That’s it for your Roadmap to a Happier Me Challenge: Week 1 – let me know how it goes.


PS. Next week I even have an affirmation or 2 just for you!

Susann is a travel, parenting, beauty and lifestyle blogger in Johannesburg, South Africa.


  1. therambingracoon Reply

    I love this! Helping others while taking care of yourself! Thank you for sharing!

  2. You, Me and Benny Reply

    I am all about me some good Karma! I believe in that 100% and this is great tips for your challenge!

  3. jkblooming4gmailcom Reply

    I loved this post. I’m a little bit shy so many times when I want to pay someone I compliment I keep it in to myself, maybe my challenge to myself should be to compliment people out loud.

  4. I loved your picture! I really liked the idea of leaving a quote somewhere. I think that’s a good opportunity for someone who really needs to see it to find it.

    • … and the extra few weeks after that 🙂 I couldn’t make it a daily challenge because I wouldn’t stick to it then

  5. I love this idea of having a week of good karma! I been practicing to have more good karma in my life by working out, giving myself more gratitude, and spoiling my face.

  6. I never know that I can get me some good karma by writing favourite quote on a note and leave it in a book or on a shelf in a shop somewhere. That’s the easiest way. Cool

  7. blissfulmomboss Reply

    I love the idea of learning new skills and stimulating my mind by getting onto Udemy to see what’s new. Loved this post!

  8. Pingback: Roadmap to a Happier Me Challenge: Week 4 Listen & Be Heard - Goddess

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